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All Thai’d Up For Christmas

  Come find that unique gift and your purchase will help Grace Refuge Outreach Worldwide (GROW) to rescue at-risk (sex-trafficked) and abused children. This is a great opportunity to give intentional, thoughtful gifts that make a difference. December 2, 2023~...

Holloway School Outreach

Holloway School Outreach Don’t forget that our collection bin is still in need of more items to keep the kiddos warm as the weather changes. Hats, scarves, gloves and mittens are needed for the little ones at Holloway.  Please remember this is a K-3 building, thus the...

Retired Ministers & Missionaries Offering

The Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering is a long-standing tradition established in 1977 which supports ministers, missionaries and their widowed spouses who have devoted 15 or more years of their lives to service in ABCUSA. Our communion offering on Dec. 3...

Advent Study – Begins Nov. 29th

We invite you to join us for our Advent Study beginning Wednesday, November 29 and continues through the four Wednesdays leading up to Christmas.  The study will be led by Pastors Dan & Steve and we will be reading and discussing Will Willimon’s book, “Heaven and...

Celebrating 50 + Years

We cordially invite you to join us Sunday, October 15 11:00 am as we recognize and celebrate with those who have maintained their membership at First Baptist Church of Greater Toledo for 50 or more years! *We ask that all 50 + year members wear their membership...