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Book Club

This group meets the second Tuesday of each month at Panera Bread on Dussel Dr.  We meet at 6:00 pm to eat and begin book discussion at 6:30 pm.  All are welcome to join us.

Kickball Players Wanted

We are having games on Mondays at 6 pm.  We will meet at the field beside First Baptist Church at 6520 Pilliod Road, Holland OH.  We are looking for players ages 16 and up!  Come, join the fun! Please contact Jessica with any questions, 567-294-8002...

Food Pantry Items Needed

The second Sunday of each month is our designated Food Sunday.  We ask that you bring non-perishable foods, baby needs and personal care products to donate to the Church Women United Thrift Shop to assist those in our local community with needs.  All donations go...

Operation Christmas Child

Christmas will soon be here. . .and YOU can make a difference in the life of a child.  Operation Christmas Child distributes gift boxes to children around the world who would otherwise not receive a gift.  “Starter boxes” are available in the Narthex with a few items...